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To enhance understanding of computer science topics using technology and authentic tasks in a collaborative and individualized learning environment.

Education | University of South Florida | Tampa, Florida

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction | December 2001 | 3.9 GPA
Concentration: Instructional Technology
Dissertation: Effects of Deadline Contingencies in a Web-Based Course on HTML

Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering | May 1995 | 3.9 GPA
Thesis: A General Method of Fuzzy Instance-Based Learning

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics | May 1991 | 3.8 GPA
Magna Cum Laude, Concentration in Logic & Foundations, Minor in Religious Studies
Honors Presentation: A New Proof of the Gödel Incompleteness Theorem by George Boolos

Teaching Experience

Associate Professor | Hillsborough Community College | 2011 – present
Advanced from Adjunct (one year) to Instructor (four years) to tenured Assistant Professor (six years) to Associate Professor (current). Main initiatives include the following.

  • Design curriculum centered on authentic tasks and free resources (all but one course is OER)
  • Teach current (MERN stack) and relevant (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP) content
  • Support student success as PBL co-advisor, yielding National Leadership Conference rankings
    • 2021: Social Media Challenge (6th)
    • 2020: Business Communications (2nd)
    • 2019: Job Interview (8th)
    • 2018: Computer Concepts (9th)
    • 2017: Mobile App Dev (1st) – Website Design (4th) – Programming Concepts (3rd)
  • Advise students in clubs and interest groups they form such as the Lifestyle Club (focused on making healthy choices), Epsilon Pi Tau (sought to form local chapter of the International Honor Society for Technology), Videogame Club, and Game Development Club
  • Create and facilitate service opportunities for students, like hosting an hour of code with elementary school students and tutoring HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Support outreach through programs like Career Quest (high school seniors), Wings of Imagination (high school girls), and Verizon Innovative Learning Program for Rural Girls (middle school girls)
  • Enhance teaching efficacy with an average of 50+ professional development hours per year

Instructor and Teaching Assistant | University of South Florida | 1991 – 2001
Taught courses for the Mathematics Department (College Algebra), Computer Science Department (Data Structures with ADA), Information Systems Decision Sciences Department (programming concepts with C), and Center for Mathematical Services’ Summer Program for Gifted Middle and High School Students (Pascal, C, HTML, JavaScript, and Environmental Studies).

Adjunct Instructor | Hillsborough Community College | 1992 – 1996
Taught college prep courses for the Mathematics Department, always endeavoring to show several approaches for finding solutions and relevance to skills needed for life tasks.

Leadership & Technology Experience

Webmaster & Board Member | Hillsborough High School Rowing Club | 2017 – 2020
Utilized WordPress and a custom document management tool.

Girl Scout Leader | Girl Scouts of West Central Florida | 2004 – 2010
Served as webmaster and public relations liaison, utilizing WordPress, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin, for the Rainbow Service Unit. Directed an educational fundraiser which promoted world awareness and benefited the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Received numerous awards (Outstanding Leader 2010, Outstanding Service Unit Volunteer 2009) and certifications (Event Director, Leadership Essentials, PR Liaison, First Aid, CPR, Kayak, Kiln).

Technology Consultant | Carrollwood, JCC, & Learning Gate | 2002 – 2010
As PTA Technology Chairperson at Carrollwood Elementary, worked with administration and fellow members to create a web presence for the school, created training materials, and facilitated trainings. Established an electronic check in system for visitors. At all institutions, created multimedia products with students using tools such as iMovie, iDVD, and Scratch. Trained teachers and students and included them in all phases of production. Provided technology assistance to enhance the learning environment and parental involvement.

Instructional Designer & Programmer | University of South Florida | 1996 – 1999
Created educational websites and related materials, including a primer on computer networks. Designed portions of the FCAT 4th Grade Reading: A Staff Development Tool, which was produced by The Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida and the Pinellas County School District and funded by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology and Student Assessment Services.

Research Assistant | University of South Florida | 1993 – 1995
Worked with a team to apply supervised, unsupervised, and expert systems methods to the task of segmenting MRIs of the brain. Reviewed and prepared technical papers.

Current Committees

  • Engineering, Transportation, Architecture and Construction, and Computer Science Discipline Group (secretary)
  • Online Learning Committee (ETACC representative)
  • Faculty Instructional Technology Committee (ETACC alternate representative)
  • Computer Proficiency Exam Subcommittee
  • HCC Computer Science Advisory Board
  • Dale Mabry Sustainability Committee
  • College-Wide Internationalization Committee
  • First Encounter Faculty
  • Food 2 Finish Task Force
  • Nine textbook committees (chair of 6)

Presentations & Papers

Brown, E.G., Figueruelo, O.B, Majchrzak, T.L., and Crosby, J.A., “College-Wide Internationalization Committee Kicks Off Cuban Encounters,” Hillsborough Community College All College Day Presentation, Tampa, Florida, April 2022.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Ask Me Anything: If We Build It, They Will Engage,” Hillsborough Community College Spring In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, January 2022.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Connections and Classroom Conversions,” Hillsborough Community College Fall In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, August 2020.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Escape the Content? I think not!” Hillsborough Community College Faculty Professional Development Day Presentation, Tampa, Florida, October 2019.

Majchrzak, T.L., “CGS 1000 & More Crash Course,” Hillsborough Community College First Encounter Faculty Presentation, Tampa, Florida, October 2018.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Flip Your Classroom,” Hillsborough Community College Spring In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, January 2016.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Personalized Feedback Tool,” Hillsborough Community College Fall In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, August 2015.

Majchrzak, T.L., “There’s an App for That – Yours!” Hillsborough Community College All College Day Presentation, Tampa, Florida, November 2014.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Program a Computer to Help Present Your Point,” Hillsborough Community College Spring In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, April 2014.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Tech Tools for Active Learning,” Hillsborough Community College Fall In-Service Presentation, Tampa, Florida, August 2013.

Majchrzak, T.L., “Name That Student (Now Where Did I Put Today’s Attendance & Bonus Points?)!” HCC All College Day Presentation, Tampa, Florida, October 2012.

Majchrzak, T.L., Using Specialized Forms to Submit and Grade Student Work Online,” Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies: A Continuing Series of Explorations at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, March 2001.

Majchrzak, T.L., Delivering Self-Paced, Interactive, Multimedia Instruction on Internet Programming, via the Internet or CD-ROM,” Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies: A Continuing Series of Explorations, Tampa, Florida, March 2000.

Majchrzak, T.L., A Web-Enhanced Self-Paced Course on HTML and JavaScript,” Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC), Kissimmee, Florida, March 1998.

Majchrzak, T.L., Supporting Active Individual and Cooperative Learning in a Laboratory Setting,” Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies, Tampa, Florida, March 1998.

Majchrzak, T.L., Developing Multimedia Courseware for the Internet – Java Versus Shockwave,” in the Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, Warrenton, Virginia, Fall 1996.

Majchrzak, T.L. and Hall, L.O., “Fuzzy Rule Generation with an Instance-Based Learner,” in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995.

Hall, L.O., Majchrzak, T.L., and Silbiger, M., “Obtaining Fuzzy Classification Rules in Segmentation,” Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, edited by B. Bouchon-Meunier, R.R. Yager, and L.A. Zadeh, World Scientific, 1995.

Hall, L.O., Majchrzak, T.L., and Silbiger, M., “Obtaining Fuzzy Classification Rules in Segmentation,” in the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Paris, Volume 2, 619-624, 1994.

Select Scholarships, Fellowships, & Awards in College

University Graduate Fellowship (1994-5)
Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship (1991-2)
National Collegiate Computer Science Award (1991)
Florida Epsilon Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon’s Outstanding Scholar Award (1991)
Mathematics Department Scholarship (1990)
Faculty/Staff Scholarship, College of Natural Science (1989)

Select Honor Societies & Leadership Positions in College

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science 1994-5)
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering 1994-5)
Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership 1990-1)
Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics 1989-91); president 1990-1
USF’s Student Chapter of the Mathematical Association of America (1989-91); vice president 1989-91

Extracurricular Activities

Enjoy a variety of physical activities and artistic endeavors, including mountain biking, hiking, swimming, kayaking, roller blading, sailing, photography, sewing, stained glass, and pottery.

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